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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Authentic Study

Study,  with the goal of proving what one wants to find or already thinks, is not pure. It is not scholarly or genuine.

Wading into waters feared, disagreed with, or misunderstand--with a mind willing to find the truth,  is where authenticity dwells. 

Very few can do this. If you find someone who can, you have found a blessing.

Some of us love dogmatism. We want to die on mountains. The so-called separation we must endure is a cross we willingly bear. 

Realize love is hard. Biblical love is hard. Do not expect the lost to do anything but sin. Go to them and be a light and an example. Strong believers should be able to do this more than new believers. The strong should not hide behind their legalism so as to avoid doing the hard thing of loving. 

Reading the Scriptures, and not being afraid of what is there,  takes faith, humility and strength. Too often we fear finding the true God. We want to reason in our human understanding and explain away what God Himself has revealed. When we do this, we short change our own ability to really find Him...and sometimes we get defensive and angry because of our misunderstanding. 

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