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The Purples and Blues are Blooming (with Yellow...) April 22, 2020

My color-scheme blooming pattern isn't perfect by any stretch, but right now several of the blues and purples are showing their loveliness. The pinks have done their big debut (dogwood, cherry, azalea). note--my pics should show all the blues and purples to start, but well, they don't...

 The figs are not blooming yet. They are the sticks in the foreground. :)

The petunias are in full swing, had to show again this post since their are so many more now! Yay! Best year ever!

Their neighbor, the yellow snapdragons, returned this year much bigger than last year.

This is my one and only borage. Sadly, she isn't with the strawberries...can't wait till she blooms.

Entrance into bunny-land with all the petals down.

There are always busy ants by the gate.

Sweet, blind Ruth  
A favorite hosta

New, small greens garden where bunnies were a few years ago. Kale, lettuce, chard, spinach

Raspberries have been moved here. Hoping they take for next year.

Peaches are starting to come.

Catnip is plenteous but no cat; caution to any who enter our yard. Misty is not a fan...we can use it for tea if we get a cough I suppose.

Lilac is blooming! 

My only bluebell and I l.o.v.e. her!

Round two of azalea blooming, the lighter azalea is in and the darker is out.

Strawberries now have greens planted at the far end. Hope the seeds sprout.

This sad, neglected asparagus needs to be moved to where the dog won't crush her...one day...

Iris, how I love thee....

Let me count the ways...

 Peony in the middle has the bud nearly ready.

From the back door, this is now the side yard with the two new gardens.

Here is where the yard was a couple of weeks ago: 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful flowers and plants. Amazing gardening. Proud of you!!
