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What better time to draw near to God than during a global pandemic where some lawmakers are pushing agendas God opposes? If we won't gi...

Worthwhile COVID-19 Reads

Animal Farm by George Orwell. Orwell masterfully paints a picture, rather gently, of how smart yet corrupt people gain control of the masses. Ignorance is not bliss. He was a member of the Swiss equivalent of the CIA for years.

Witness by Whittaker Chambers. Looking for something a little longer than Animal Farm? This factual read shows how the infiltration of communism into America's government in the 1940's happened. Alger Hiss was born in Baltimore, MD Nov 11, 1904 and was accused of being a Soviet spy. Chambers testified against him. This is an excellent read and sheds light on how the manipulation and ideology of Communism operates. The book mentions areas I grew up near--pretty incredible stuff. 

Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe should be read by every person living in America. Published in 1852 and chock full of lessons we all need to learn and understand. Fewer  would be taken advantage of by certain politicians if they digested this book. Read it and ask yourself which person you would be during those times--who are you today?

**For further worldview considerations (primarily for interested Christians): The Relevance of Genesis part 1 and The Relevance of Genesis Part 2 and Voddie Baucham's The Children of Caesar Part 1 and The Children of Caesar Part 2 are enlightening. 

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