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Call to Keep Virginia Away From Common Core

Remember this? We did adopt Common Core in VA, and did it help us?


Call to Keep Virginia out of Common Core April 2015

Dear HSLDA Members and Friends:

A bill that would have protected Virginia from the Common Core quagmire passed the Virginia Legislature strongly, but Governor McAuliffe vetoed it. Please help us override his veto by calling your Virginia state senator and state representative today or tomorrow (April 13 or 14).

The bill is very simple. It requires that Common Core not be adopted in Virginia unless the legislature gives its approval. Without this bill, it would be possible for McAuliffe, or a subsequent governor, and the Virginia Department of Education, to throw Virginia into the Common Core quagmire without any input from your elected representatives.

In a nutshell, Common Core is a program that seeks to leverage states into giving up control over what public school children learn and surrendering that incredibly important power to a group of nameless bureaucrats in Washington. It has been funded and aggressively pushed by the U.S. Department of Education, and implemented by an organization that was virtually unheard of previously called the National Governor’s Association.

In the most technical sense, Common Core is not a federal program. But it is a huge step toward the federalization of what schoolchildren across America learn. Common Core threatens freedom because it moves power away from the people affected by that power. And because it is a massive step toward standardizing all education, it ultimately threatens homeschool freedom.

Action Requested

Please call your Virginia representative and senator. Your message can be as simple as: “Please override the governor’s veto of House Bill 1752 and protect Virginia from the Common Core quagmire.”

Contact Information

Use this link to find contact information for your elected representatives.


Visit our website to learn more about Common Core and find information you could use to craft your own message to your elected representative.

Thank you for standing with us for freedom!


Scott Woodruff
HSLDA Senior Counsel

P.S. We at HSLDA greatly value your support and consider it a privilege to serve you. If you or someone you know is not a member of HSLDA, will you consider taking a moment today to join or recommend us? Through your support we are able to defend individual families and protect homeschooling freedom for all. Join now.

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