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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Off-Color Humor

I like to laugh; I'm sure some of you reading do, too. You wouldn't know I like to laugh by the majority of posts I put up, but be assured, it is true. If I watch a show or a movie (Netflix or Amazon---no cable TV here), humor being a component means it's a keeper. I've been into the BBC shows of late, and sadly Doc Martin just isn't funny like it feels it could be. I keep watching, hoping...but nothing there is funny. I've moved over to Scotland and am enjoying the new Laird there pretty well. Anyway, I digress.

I received a humorous email the other day, which upon seeing it, knew it was likely to have some elements that would not please the Lord. Debating on not reading it, I finally succumbed. It would have been wise to stop reading once I got further in to it, knowing it would bother me to have laughed. It was hilarious, but just not representative of who I am striving to be. The dilemma was that even via email, I didn't want to 'not connect' with the friend who sent it. I've been dealing a lot with feeling different from most people I know lately; I'm consumed much of the time with wanting to be transformed more to the image of God's Son. I want my interests to be His interests, and what pleases me to be what pleases the Father. I feel like I failed a test, and it's been bothering me. I hope for another opportunity to not fail. I want to be different when it comes right down to it-to the nitty-gritty, but it's hard sometimes. It's lonely sometimes...but my heart's desire is to be identifiable in all realms as one set apart for the King of Kings. Putting off course jesting, filthy talk, things unseemly for a woman of God, gossip, slander, idleness, covetousness...you know, all the sins listed in Galatians 5 (right?? 5?).

How to navigate being in the world but not of it...fostering relationships whose priorities are Gods...teaching children to first honor Him...putting ourselves last...having mercy and long-suffering with those in the faith and compassion and love for those outside of it remembering they are on a course toward Hell...

My favorite title for God--"Now to Him who is able..." It's underlined in my favorite brown leather NAS Bible. Praise God for preserving His word for us, before 1611 and after it.

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