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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...


I listened to a really great sermon today while working in the yard. It is #2010 by Martyn Lloyd-Jones. Something I love about Dr. Jones is that he doesn't flaunt being a doctor. He wasn't just some random PhD either; he was a top medical doctor who was called in to the ministry. His British accent doesn't take long to get used to, and there is tremendous wisdom in his messages. I find they surpass much of the watery, feel-good, void of truth and power messages we often hear today or read about today.

Acts 2:41-47


If you are seeing what is happening in the church, particularly how the American church is following the same path to unbelief as happened in Europe years ago, this sermon will encourage you. If you, like me, find true Christian fellowship hard to come by, this message will encourage you. If you are hungering and thirsting for a pastor to preach the truth of God's word, give Martyn Lloyd-Jones a try. He was an excellent minister of the gospel.

~May God help those of us contending for the faith to find others doing the same thing from time to time, that we may be mutually encouraged in the Lord. ~

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