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Teaching Girls Contentment-for Married Christian Women

The apostle Paul tells us in Philippians 4:11 that he learned to be content. This tells me that contentment is not something innate, and while most of us realize this, particularly if we are parents, I wonder if we take into account all of the circumstances where contentment should be taught. I want my girls to have a Biblical worldview, and when they are adults, this is going to look very different from many of their peers, particularly if they are married. God says in Titus 2:5 that a wife should be discreet, a keeper at home, chaste, and obedient to her own husband. This is in direct contrast to a wife working in my opinion, not that there aren't situations where the best way for a wife to help her husband is by working, but I believe that is the exception rather than the rule.

What if a husband can't provide all that his wife wants? Should she step outside of God's design and plan in order to help make more money for the family? It is hard to fulfill all a wife is supposed to if she is diverted with working. For this reason, I think we parent's need to work on teaching our daughters to follow their husband's lead, praying for God to provide what is needed through him, while also being capable people in case they are called upon to work. The years to train our children and bond with them, training them as they walk by the way, are so fleeting. It is a blessing that God instructs us to be keepers at home; He knows the constant care of a mother is best for children. I hope my girls will trust the Lord enough to work within the structure He has designed so the decisions and wants they have will be easily verified from the Word of God.

The ends do not justify the means, Mothers! If your heart is tied to your home, meaning your husband and children, your children will identify with home, and as they grow that will translate more and more into your particular values. I want my kids to realize serving the Lord through the family He gives them will never have them come up lacking, and that whatever their husband can provide is all they should want. In having an attitude like that, he will grow in confidence as a leader and provider more and more, which will incidentally, bless her. In contrast, stepping outside God's design carries so much regret and dreams that don't get realized. We ladies can cut off our noses in spite of our faces. 

In other words, we reap what we sow. A lady who doesn't need a man to take care of her, will never have a man take care of her.

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