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What better time to draw near to God than during a global pandemic where some lawmakers are pushing agendas God opposes? If we won't gi...

given over to a depraved mind

My husband and I sometimes discuss what is going on in the world...I gravitate toward the Revelation of John and tend to view all things in light of the trumpet I'm waiting to hear. He is also waiting and watching, but looks at what is going on in the USA as our being under judgement, which is a separate issue from the Great Tribulation. I don't know if my thinking is born out of an arrogance which holds that if America is 'over', then clearly Christ is coming for His church, or is it the fact the rest of the world is a mess and since we've been the final frontier, it must mean the time has come for the Rapture. The thing is, there is no shortage of people linking everything that happens to the coming false prophet and anti-Christ, but sometimes those links are massaged to fit an ideology or hope. Being logical and impatient with sensationalism, my husband feels the cause of Christians is harmed by such matters. I believe he is right, but I need to cling to my hope daily that He is coming--perhaps today, particularly when I see all that is going on in the world. As Ephesians 4 and Romans 1 say (my husband directed me there), we in America have gotten what we want. We don't want God, or His righteousness, or any kind of morality that infringes on our personal wants. History does repeat itself--other great nations have fallen because of the sort of self-indulgent behaviors we display in America.

So here we are, Nov 2012, and I want Jesus to come for His own soon--but I also want the USA to be what it once was. Only one of those is going to happen though...so my focus stays where it needs to stay. Trusting God, looking for my Savior, listening for the trumpet. Meanwhile, as in the days of Noah, there are scoffers and will continue to be.

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