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Getting Organized--Again

I just wanted to share a testimony in case anyone who is homeschooling more than one child is feeling like the days are chaotic, less productive than desired, and more random than ordered. For the last few years I have made up an Excel sheet with the hours of the day and days of the week as the axis'. Each block of time had exactly what each of my kids was doing. This way I could see that I had time with each one and that there was time for chores and other extras.

This year I just did one general spreadsheet showing what people should get accomplished each day. Since I didn't break down each specific task per child for each specific day of the week (this year's chart had their names on one axis and times on the other), days where we had ministry, or lessons, didn't go exactly how they looked. Add to this that each child's chores weren't clearly outlined, so that meant I was coming up with the chores each day, at random, and would often interrupt what they were doing if I wrongly assumed they weren't doing anything important. Doing such a loose schedule also meant they were coming to me with questions continually, one child in particular was always upset feeling there was no time to play, and the time I was supposed to spend with each one often got pushed aside.

Over the weekend I finally took the time I should have taken in August, and put together a more detailed schedule for two of the children. They have it in a page protector, there are time slots which are asterisked denoting it's a flexible choice with another asterisked spot, the chores are there, and yes! the free time/when the school day is done. This is a relief to me for SO MANY REASONS. Granted, we aren't talking as much during the day :), but I'm also not stressed with tons of questions all day and tons of little decisions. This has been a springboard to really teach the younger ones about prioritizing, staying on track to meet a goal, and moving forward if there is an obstacle.

I am back to feeling my day has an end in sight and like there is more control in the house all around. They are overseeing their responsibilities, the chores to keep the house a haven for us all are being covered without question or surprise, and I am not second-guessing myself about if the work load is too much. It's already helped me solve a problem with the one child never satisfied with the work load. It wasn't just scheduling issue, though that was huge b/c the constant shifting I'm so fond of drove this child up a wall, but it is a heart attitude of simply not wanting to accept this new stage of life and learning with grace.

If you've read this far maybe you are wondering about my oldest and the schedule. She's been working along well this year, keeping her own schedule, but I suspected some work was not getting accomplished as it should have. Therefore she is submitting her own schedule to me, using the two I've already created, to see what gaps there are and what her load of the chores should be and when. Together we will come up with one that works, taking into account when people are online or practicing piano, or having one on one time with me etc. . It's a school project in itself, but owning the material matters this year in a way it didn't last year.

We're all learning!

Anyway, I wanted to share because the difference in how I feel today and yesterday, versus how I was feeling the last couple months, is pretty amazing. It is reminiscent of year's past, only now it's more relaxed because they are learning how to keep up with the pace themselves better than when they were younger. Hope this helps someone. Reaping and sowing ends up impacting so many areas of our lives. I'm sure getting more consistent and organized with school will flow into other areas as well! ♥

God bless

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