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Owner Fires Workers Because Obama Won

People can scoff at this, but what all the people who don't care about the rule of law, how to preserve a culture, life for EVERYONE, and God's standard of marriage--which, incidentally, holds up a culture, is that this nation is on the fast track DOWN. There is going to be continued moral decay. All of the Latinos that think this land is better and so they come illegally (obviously, not the legal ones) are ignorant of the fact the system that has made this nation great is going to collapse, and already is collapsing. Liberals are so short-sighted. They cut off their nose despite their face, and while the foolish voters who put Obama back in office don't realize this, he and his handlers know this all too well. The phrase 'going to hell in a handbasket' applies to the USA and we have ignorant liberal fools to thank for it. I don't even care about arguing the point though. They can tell me I'm stupid and wrong, we'll all see. It doesn't matter what I say, the proof will be in the pudding; it already is for those who want to see the truth.

http://lasvegas.cbslocal.com/2012/11/07/vegas-employer-obama-won-so-i-fired-22-employees/ (link does not go directly to article as it used to)

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