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What better time to draw near to God than during a global pandemic where some lawmakers are pushing agendas God opposes? If we won't gi...

For The First Time After Losing an Election

I can honestly say my blood pressure did not change while watching the final election results come in. Four years ago, while in prayer and having been fasting, I saw God turn His back on America when Obama was elected. And could I be surprised? We left God long ago, and now we are under judgment. I've had no faith in politics, the heart of this nation is corrupt and willfully wicked, and no band-aid of getting some wanted political leader will change anything. We've made our bed and soon we will sleep in it. Let's look at the facts.

  1. Same-sex relationships, one of the things that led to the fall of Rome, are rampant. Note: this is against God's law

  2. Fornication is rampant and God says those who practice such things will not inherit His kingdom. A heart attitude that openly and actively rejects what God has said is one that is not tied to Him, yet those who claim to be His practice this, forgoing marriage.

  3. We kill the unborn, made in God's image.

  4. We kill the partially born, made in God's image. There are those who want to be able to kill up through the first year of life in case any defects show up during that time.

  5. People want to legalize homosexual relationships with children. This is beyond the pale, but it is a sick reality with some homosexual men in particular.

  6. We are justifying splitting Israel. Beware! God warned about this and in this so-called advanced age, we turn our backs and want to make nice with the Middle East terrorist oppressors by embracing something called "Palestine".

I want Christ to return. I'm ready. This nation has turned it's back and we used our influence and power to corrupt and defame righteousness. We are like Sodom and Gomorrah and before long, people will see the power of God Almighty. He is the only King and intercessor. Jesus Christ is coming back, pay attention to the truth of His word.

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