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Rethinking Catholicism

As a Bible believing Christian, I have plenty of reasons for having left the Roman Catholic Church when I was in high school. The Word of God is the final authority on all matters relating to the Creator, and Mary, Jesus' mother, is not any sort of intercessor. The mysticism that surrounds her and the false apparitions are heresy since they conflict with God's Holy Word. The Bible says there is One intercessor between mankind and God, and that is Jesus Christ. Mary does not and cannot intercede, and we are all called saints if we've put our faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ. There are no 'patron' saints that intercede in any way, shape or form to Christ. The Word will tell us if that were the case, and it says just the opposite. As if these things aren't enough to make one really question if the RCC is unbiblical in many of its teachings, this ecumenical move with a full-fledged false religion is abhorrent.

Muslims cannot come together with Christians. Please read Faith Undone by Roger Oakland if you are buying into this Emergent type of belief. It is setting the stage for the one world religion that will reign after the Rapture of the true Church. We do not all believe in the same God. God is not to be confused with other religions high leader. His attributes are not that of Allah or any other false god.



  1. catholism is a great religion because it somehow promotes peace and equality but it is not the best religion.,

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  2. Thank you for your thoughts. The best religion is one that helps people see how to be truly reconciled to God. One day we will all stand before Him, whether to enter Heaven or for the final judgment in to eternal separation from Him.
