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When Can A Breastfed Baby Sleep Through the Night?

A post to my beloved children- 

I might forget or might not be around when this information will be useful. Hopefully you will do plenty of reading before having children of your own! Learn from godly others who have gone before you so your journey is a little easier. There will be challenges enough without these fundamentals having to be a big mystery.

So, when can your breastfed baby sleep through the night?

Most babies can sleep through the night by 6 months--it is essentially once they have doubled their birth weight. In earlier days, it was the norm to teach a baby to sleep on their own letting them cry for a couple of nights. It is not an easy thing to do, but it benefits a child greatly to get sound sleep once their bodies are ready for it. Breastfed babies do need to eat more often than formula-fed babies, so make sure your child is growing well and that you are taking the time to ensure your baby is nursing enough during the day before cutting out nighttime feedings. A hectic daytime routine that isn't consistent tends to thwart breastfeeding efforts and can definitely aid in a baby needing to nurse more at night to get the calories they need. At 6 months solid foods should be introduced, so that will help your baby feel fuller longer. This goal to get baby to sleep all night is where scheduling helps build parenting confidence. Remember, there is a difference between keeping a baby alive and proactively parenting/training your child. A routine and knowledge help promote a more peaceful and decisive parenting environment, which will help a lot as your child grows, especially if homeschooling is in store. The longer you wait to teach your baby to sleep all night, the more difficult it will become. Don't be a reactionary parent, take the reigns early on, learn your baby and set him/her up for the greatest success as you carefully guide them into good habits. 



Tips for normal sleep for breastfed babies


Keys to establishing good sleep habits for all babies. Good sleeping as infants aids a child's development later on.


More information on how to help babies establish healthy sleeping habits. 


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