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Unbelievable Peace for True Believers

This weekend was a refreshment to my soul, as I'm sure it was for other true followers of Jesus Christ. That isn't a statement of bragging, but of the blessed reality for those who worship and follow God according to His Word, the Bible. 

Too often, we as believers get side-tracked worrying endlessly about the state of the world and our unsaved loved ones, but if we have done all we can to be a clear witness for Jesus Christ and His truth, we need to just give our concerns to God. Everyone has access to the Bible, Bible teaching, and online church services if they do not want to attend church in person, or cannot. We believers simply cannot control what other people do, and we SHOULD NOT LET THE BAD CHOICES OF OTHERS STEAL OUR JOY. 

As one of my very dear friends recently reminded me when we were discussing the lost loved ones in our lives: it is not my battle to fight. The battle is the Lord's. My job is to pray and do what I can, but realize that even my shortcomings are not an excuse for someone to reject God.

Those who are in false religions, or atheists, do not enjoy the peace and joy that true followers of Christ enjoy. We all make our choices. Likewise, when life gets hard, it is only genuine followers of God who have that 'peace that passes all understanding'. The promises of God are not true for those who have deceived themselves in to thinking they are reconciled to God. 

Believers--we must stand alongside each other in faith and truth, knowing that God is on OUR side. This world and evil world forces are passing away, but take heart, God has overcome the world!!

**The sermons from Nov 1, Temple Baptist Church of Fredericksburg, VA are excellent. www.abouttbc.org for the YouTube Channel.**

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