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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Meditation that Honors God

Most Bible believing Christians realize that what the world calls 'meditation' is not something they should engage in. Opening our minds to random spiritual influences is dangerous. We're to guard our minds and be wary of influences that are contrary to God's truth. That said, in today's stressful environment, people are looking for peace. Of course, that is only found in a right relationship with the God through Jesus Christ. 

The Scriptures mention meditating on God's word, and in light of that, here is a 2014 article from Grace to You on Meditation that Honors God

Here is another article from Ligonier Ministries on Proper Meditation

May you find what you are looking for, which is likely genuine peace and contentment amidst this chaotic and wicked world. ♥

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