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What better time to draw near to God than during a global pandemic where some lawmakers are pushing agendas God opposes? If we won't gi...

If We're Going to Press the Irrational Panic Button....

If the new, caring standard is to do whatever is possible to prevent deaths, I think this information speaks for itself. 

Two children under age 14 die every day due to unintentional drowning.  At this point in the year, we're up to more than 50 lives lost.

675 children under 12 yrs old die in car accidents annually. Do children truly need to be in vehicles, especially if they are home schooled?

There were 107 flu deaths last year in kids aged 5-17. We might recall the mass hysteria the media keeps pounding over how outrageously dangerous the flu has gotten. Maybe it is just me, but that number does not warrant locking everyone down....did anyone? Maybe caring parents whose standard is to do WHATEVER can possibly be done should have pulled their kids out of school last year and had them avoid as much human interaction as possible. (Life isn't meant to be lived, right...we've decided that is an optional thing now)

For crying out loud, how much of this will the sheeple ingest before realizing they are continually being manipulated to panic, panic, worry, worry?? This life is not all there is to life. These people that like to report in ways to get everyone in a lather could point you to what will bring calm and peace, but they do not know Him so they cannot...

There were 3, 476 deaths in children aged 5-14 in the USA between 2/1/2020 and 9/26/2020. Of those, 32 involved COVID. Where is the panic and outrage over the 3,444 other causes of death?? Why isn't the media beating the drum over this day in and day out, massaging, manipulating, making people angry and playing the blame game? Why aren't they using those reasons to distract people from what really matters? (I guess COVID is enough for now...but let it die down, liberals, which includes the media, never let a crisis go to waste and never miss an opportunity to make a crisis where there isn't one). 

Please, if we are going to be irrational, let us at least be consistent in our logic. If there is something that can be done to prevent deaths, it must be done. (please do not take time to notice how subjective this approach is and that living life is not a goal...we must view the gift of life that God gave as one to hide and protect at ALL costs---it isn't to be lived to glorify Him or love other people, we must think only of ourselves and do WHATEVER we can to keep ourselves and our loved ones away from harm. all. the. time.)

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