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What better time to draw near to God than during a global pandemic where some lawmakers are pushing agendas God opposes? If we won't gi...

God Sees--You Can't Be Catholic and Pro-Choice

I've always loved the bumper sticker that rightly says You Can't Be Catholic and Pro-Choice. Historic Catholicism valued life in the womb and recognized that life as a child, as it should. 

Today's Catholics are often liberal, unfortunately, and since they do not rely on the Bible for truth, they have been moved away from conservative values because the church has moved. You can't vote Democrat and be pro-life. Democrats are the party of death to the unborn. To vote with them is to stand with them as they push certain agendas.

God sees and knows mankind's wicked ways. 

It is wicked to support abortion. 

God hates hands that shed innocent blood. 

From Proverbs 6:

16 There are six things which the LORD hates,
            Yes, seven which are an abomination to Him:

      17Haughty eyes, a lying tongue,
            And hands that shed innocent blood,

      18A heart that devises wicked plans,
            Feet that run rapidly to evil

Look this passage up in your Bible to know the 7 things which are an abomination to the God of the universe. 

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