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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Closing Out 2014

Some years are full of celebration and joy. Some are a mixture of hard times and good times. Some are more bad than good, or one really rough event clouds the rest of the events.

Earlier tonight I journaled in my paper notebook (blast from the past, I know) all the highlights of this last year for us... Health problems for me, milestones for my kids, saying goodbye to our dog, turning 40, having a child hit the teen years, and welcoming a new niece. We increased our chickens up to a total of 8, obtained 4 rabbits, and started our first year of homeschooling without being part of any group. My kids embarked on several new adventures with gymnastics/tumbling and crocheting. We revolutionized our finances as a result of going through Financial Peace. I began really seeing the young years of parenting in the rear view mirror, and have been challenged in my faith after finishing George Whitefield's biography.

After having written sympathy notes for loved ones who have lost three people close to them this past week, it's been a sober reminder of what a bad year means. While I've had some rough times and have really needed the support of those who gave it, I'm so thankful to not have buried a family member or close friend.

I'm thankful for the family we have, for my priceless friends, and for those who fall in to both categories.

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