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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

True Joy-

I was listening to the first Acts sermon from Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones tonight, which I know I've listened to before. Tonight the message has challenged me greatly, and it is a sober reminder to modern-day Christians about what true joy is.

My thoughts as I listened...

Do we inadvertently teach our children that joy comes from artificial or untrue means? I tend to think that yes, many of us do this in regard to holidays, and I can't help but think it lends itself to the sadness many people feel at the holidays as they age. When the magic is based on false-hood, there can only be one outcome later: something missing. It is a denial of the truth of God's word that we need anything artificial to experience joy in this life. The Christian life is one that is intended to be lived joyfully irrespective of circumstances, but, oh! how that challenges my heart and life. Dr. Jones was spot on when he gave the example of a married couple whose joy was dependent on their relationship. This is such a reality for anyone married--how to transcend this is yet something I've not fully grasped all the time, in every situation.

Let us not communicate to our friends, families, and loved ones that the solemnity of Christianity in any way diminishes the joy of living a life for God's own purpose. In keeping the 'Christ' in Christmas, let us each be challenged as to what that means, and give ourselves and our kids the best opportunity to cherish the celebrations of our religion: through truth, holiness, and worship. The question we need to ask in regard to all we do and how we do it is this: is it going to point others to Jesus Christ and the saving gospel? Is it exemplifying holiness or is it making light of something sacred?

Oh! To be like George Whitefield, who knew so well how to major on what mattered most, pass over what did not, and who did not create unbiblical division in the name of legalistic, self-imposed holiness, which actually hinders the cause of Christ.

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