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What Does the Bible Say About Child Rearing?

What Does the Bible Say About Child Rearing?.

I may have posted this before. It speaks well to the idea that there are various biblical ways to discipline children.

It is very clear when a child is not spanked when seeing them in their moments of 'less- than- optimal behaviors'; they simply do not really care what their parents are saying to them to contradict what they want to do. There is no immediate change of direction based on their parents instruction. The age at which this is clear varies, but it is nonetheless a trait that sadly doesn't need to be there.

I'll be direct and as lovingly as I can point out that it is an unwise Christian parent who buys in to the world's ideas of discipline and child training. We must be consistent with a worldview that brings glory to God if we expect to see His type of results, especially in our parenting. God did not mince words on how to raise children who live up to their fullest potential and who are not rebellious.

After being a parent for 13 yrs, I can honestly say the children who come to my home and are trained properly are the greatest joy to be around. This means they are consistently and lovingly reproved for disobeying, and mother has clear standards of first time obedience with a good attitude. If the child is old enough to throw something they ought not, they are old enough to be taught to help clean up the mess. When mother does her job effectively during a visit, we can all enjoy ourselves and my kids aren't expected to chase after the little ones the entire visit, keeping them safe. My children may wish to watch the little ones, but mother is able and willing to do the job. There is a difference. I don't understand parents who repeat themselves with no reaction from their kids. Why are there such low standards? First-time obedience with a good attitude is a standard that is attainable, and parents should not expect less or tolerate less. Children who are disciplined in this manner end up happier and more content in their life because they've denied themselves from early on. We know from Scripture that no good way dwells with in us. Our hearts are desperately wicked and we love ourselves far too much. It is only reasonable to see that children who are held to a high standard, and parents who lovingly sacrifice to train them properly, will reap rewards not attainable by other, lower, means.

Disciplining properly means doing so without anger or delay. It means having your home be the training ground so when you are around others your child is not a problem. Once a child is walking, it is time to work daily, all the time, on teaching them to respect other people's homes, time, and if out in public, the money others have spent to eat out or enjoy themselves. A sad reality in today's world is that many mother's think they are allowed down-time during visiting. If the father is keeping an eye on the children, great, take a break, but otherwise when you have small children you are 'on' 24/7.


Proverbs 29

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