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Our Journey to the Creation Museum

To kick off our Christmas break, we headed to northern Kentucky/southern Ohio in order to visit the Creation Museum! It's been a desire of ours for years, and finally the time seemed right to make a go of it. I'd expected it to fully give glory to God and teach us lots of things we don't know, but I really could not have prepared for what it felt like to be in a museum completely based on the truth of God's word. It's the sort of feeling you know is just a foretaste of what is to come in Heaven, and it makes me want to go back.

Upon entering the museum we saw the staff hold hands and pray as part of their morning gathering. (we were early, of course) Given the fact schools were still in session, we were practically the only car in the lot, and we were definitely the first people in the museum and the last to leave that first day.

There is so much to offer at the Creation Museum. You can really see that Ken Ham put a lot of thought in to keeping it interesting for children and adults, and asking good questions is a fundamental aspect of real science. Questions are posted throughout the museum, and the same facts evolutionists and creationists use are presented--the determining factor is the starting point. It is incredulous that anyone could believe in evolution if they really study the human body, the solar system, ecology...basically any field of science. There are many leaps made by those who refuse to believe in God, and many secular scientists realize this themselves.

We see the results of believing the human race has come from nothing--kids who don't value life, people who are completely lost or willing to commit murder to an unborn person. To go through life thinking there is no purpose, that your life really doesn't matter because you were just a cosmic accident, is dismal to say the least.

Through multimedia presentations, special speaker sessions, the planetarium,  and the main exhibit hall, there is an abundance of information that helps a Christian see, in new ways, God's love and mercy for His creation. It is faith building to get a hold of God's power and His working in the world!

If you plan to visit the Creation Museum, give yourself two full days. You will have plenty to do-- and bring some money. The bookstore is gloriously vast and has much to encourage and equip young and old.

I particularly enjoyed meeting Buddy Davis and attending two sessions he was leading--one was a musical event where he performed and the other a hands-on talk about T-Rex where the kids made dinosaur sculptures. Buddy is self-taught and made most of the dinosaur displays at the Creation Museum. He has a real heart for sharing God's truth and I appreciate his influence on my kids. The session that has stuck with me the most as far as facts was one entitled "Beauty is Only Skin Deep". It was amazing to learn about histology and how intricate even the hairs on our heads are. We learned the why of God saying He 'knit us together'. The museum has not skimped on quality speakers.

Other trip tips: give yourself an entire day to drive there and back. We stayed at the Residence Inn, which is considered Cincinnati airport but is in KY.  Avoid driving near the hotel before 9 am and after 4 pm. The traffic is an absolute nightmare and if you think you'll get wise and avoid it, you just might get directed down a treacherous road that will then take you to a FERRY! (no kidding, the GPS told us to pull in and 'board ferry'! We turned around and ate dinner at the hotel that night). Residence Inn's boast a kitchenette so you can take your own food if you want to cut costs, and they offer dinner during the week for free.  The room we stayed in had a working gas fireplace, two bedrooms and two full baths, plus space for an air mattress if you need more sleeping space. The complementary breakfasts are tasty and offer plenty of choices, so they don't get mundane. This Residence Inn does require a short walk outside through a courtyard to get to the main building where meals are served.

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