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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Love and Forgiveness

Has there ever been someone in your life that loved you or your children, and just kept at it, asking nothing in return? I've had that experience for many, many years, and you know what happened somewhere along the way? I began loving that person.

This is a perfect illustration of God's love toward us, right down to the imperfect people He has used and is continuing to use as the story of mankind is written.

Love breaks down barriers, it opens doors to blessings for us and others. When we give to someone, which sometimes simply may mean letting them love us, we end up being given to.

There is nothing gained from holding on to grudges, justified or not. There will be opportunities lost that we cannot even fathom. As we hold on to our pain and what we consider righteous indignation, our hands become more and more empty. Love and forgiveness bring something altogether different. They build--they increase.

When giving to others is our focus, and glorifying God is our mission, when the saving truth of Jesus' death, burial and resurrection are upon our lips because of our love for mankind, we can rest assured that our life is one that builds rather than tears down. My hope is to realize that one person that may let me down or tear down in my world may actually be used of God to build up and support in someone else's world. We all sin, we all fall short. If we can just remember this reality, we'll deal with with other people with much more understanding.

Grace, grace, God's grace. Grace that is greater than all my sin...may I approach others with this attitude in Christ Jesus.


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