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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Peace From Above

Recently I was speaking to a mature Christian woman about a situation, and she did not say one way or the other what she thought, but left me with a piece of advice that when she is unsure about something, she doesn't do it. She also reminded me that it is clear when God answers.

The nature of this issue couldn't be left to unknowns, so my husband and I worked through it in detail. It is amazing that even when no one you know agrees with you, when God leads, you can have peace. And we do.

I am seeing that the most important thing we can teach our children as Christians is to live to please God while striving to keep peace with those around us as much as possible. We live in a world of compromise and human wisdom. A world that doesn't want to offend other people, even if it means offending God. As things get more wicked, however, our kids need to see us stand strong for the truth. We can pretend that going along to get along will woo people to Christ, but it doesn't. The world needs something very different from what it already has. Sometimes our own conscious needs to reign and protecting our kids' conscious needs to be of great importance. Often we focus so much on the lost around us that we make poor decisions when it comes to our own family. It is a difficult dance to perform.

If done thoughtfully and with love, it is not wrong to make decisions that hurt people, especially when it means pleasing the Lord. How can we, as representatives of Christ, sit quietly by in support during an event that pointedly blasphemes Christ, the Holy Spirit, and lies about how we are reconciled to God? It is one thing when you go in to a situation unaware of exactly what takes place; it is entirely different when you know. When something makes you sick to think about, take time to wait on the Lord, and be careful who you ask advice from.

One of the best aspects of aging is getting to a point of not trying to convince those around you of how you are living your life for Christ. I look forward to fully getting to that place. It is getting better all the time, but I know it will get even easier.

Be convinced in your own mind and act, taking time to explain to your children because the days are evil.


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