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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

George Whitefield

I could talk at length about George Whitefield. My children are probably a little tired of hearing about the amazing man so used in what we think of as The Great Awakening. Today in church I was moved more than usual when we sung one of Charles Wesley's hymns. Envisioning those great, brave men, who strove so hard to share the forgiveness we can have in Jesus Christ singing the same hymn over 200 years ago, was powerful. I love knowing more about this period in our world history. More than that though, I love the reality that we can be made new in Jesus Christ. Behold, old things have passed away, all things are become new.

We live in a world that says we start out a certain way and that is just how we are. Some forms of criminals are hailed as people who will 'never change' for example.

I squint in disbelief when I hear so-called Christians speak that way. I am saddened when I see those lost, separated from the love of God, speak that way.

Do we limit God? Do we limit the awe inspiring power of the Holy Spirit of the one Almighty Creator of all we see and don't see? Are we so alone we do not realize there is a God who loves us and who is eager to be in fellowship with us, if we will but repent and believe that He is there to heal the sick and bind the broken-hearted? Is our way working so well we don't need God? Are we so happy with the way our plan is going that we won't even give the Bible and its loving-kindness a try?

There is One who has the power to not only raise the dead, heal the sick, bring righteous vengeance on those who deserve it, but who also forgives sin--the sin each of us is born with and the sin each of us chooses to do. If we will but humble ourselves before the mighty hand of God, who is a God of love and justice, and admit we have fallen short as He says we all have, we can be born anew. There is a real power in God's Holy Spirit, and if we seek Him, we shall find Him. We must be ready to die to ourselves though. Die to our sin and put on His righteousness, which He will help us do. Jesus Christ bridged the gap between us and God, taking the penalty of our sin upon Himself, once and FOR ALL.

We do not need to be slaves to sin, driven and tossed by the wind. We can experience and live Psalm 46:10--

Be still and know that I am God.

This is true freedom. To be free to worship and serve the true God, in wholeness.


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