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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

A New Season-Crossing Over

Milestones are those monumental events you can envision when you are much younger than the age at which you'll actually experience said events.

Turning 16, 21, marriage, first babies, certain career goals, driving, first house buying.... (hopefully not in this order!)

As we age, however, there are milestones that come in to the picture which we never may have envisioned, at least not in the way it ends up happening.

I'm about to close a door to a part of life that I never would have anticipated.

A milestone.

An ending.

When one thing ends though, something else begins. A new season.

A new reality.

When Christ died, it was an ending. His earthly life. Our sin debt. It could have looked bleak. It did for those who didn't and don't understand, but the new reality was and is beyond words.

It is too easy to hold on to the old times, the goodbyes, and the way it was. Those things are in the past, and what lies before is where the action is. The joy, the new birth, the life.

Forty has been full of newness here. Full of change. I'm trying to be excited about it all, but peering over the fence to a chapter closing, it is a little sad.



  1. Really enjoyed this post! Too many times I hang onto the past when God wants us to learn from the past but look toward the future.

  2. Thank you for commenting. God bless you.
