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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

My Director

Just over 18 years ago I began my Mary Kay business. I was in college, a newer Christian, and quite passionate about many things. My longest-time friend, Ruth, had had me to her house for a facial (my skin was terrible) and the lady who did the small class is who I signed up under. She retired soon after I began my business, so my Senior Sales Director became my main point of contact.

We didn't hit it off great at first, but through the years she has become a beloved friend. I don't know if she'd even realize I think of her so fondly, but she stuck with me through my impetuous, too-outspoken younger years, and I appreciate it.

She traveled from Maryland to Kentucky to help me get my business revved up (in her pink Cadillac at the time), and has wished me Happy Birthday nearly every year.

She was an Opera singer, very talented, and contracted Graves disease, which is where Mary Kay entered her life so many years ago because her singing career ended due to her disease. Her continual enthusiasm for her work, and her passion toward others for all these years has taught me a lot.

While I didn't take the path she advised me to many times, she never got to where she wasn't there for me. I'd call her with orders that had to be in, and only she could place them because I didn't pay attention to the end of the month cut-off for Independent Beauty Consultants. Her scratchy, happy, voice would pick up the phone no matter what time I'd call (and it was usually very late at night), she'd get my credit card number and off she'd go to help me out. In hindsight it is really embarrassing how often that scenario played out!

I can't tell you how often Chan asked, "Have you got any irons in the fire?" It became a household phrase for my family, and we won't ever be able to say it without thinking of Chan. She's a prayer warrior, always looking out for all of us on her team and if she has helpful health advise (which she usually does), she offers it up with ease. It's appreciated since she turned her health around dramatically. I can't think of mayonnaise without remembering her telling me how she nearly completely cut it out of her diet so long ago...

It is funny how life changes as we get older. Funny how some people and their tenacity and desire to constantly do what's right impress us.

Chan's big heart and focus on her family and business have touched me, and I'm very thankful to have had her in my life. I look forward to more years working under her, doing the little things I do with my business. It's a great product line and the fact the company truly honors the 100% customer satisfaction guarantee impresses me more today than it did when I was younger, because now I've seen where companies say that, but they don't really mean it.

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