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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

'Christian' Causes

My husband and I were talking about how gullible Christians are, especially Christian home schoolers. Over the last 10 years we've seen many ideas come and go in popularity, watching, and sometimes participating, in the lemming-like following. An idea comes along that seems against the norm, and we are primed to accept it since we are already going against the grain. Let that sink in. We are primed to embrace ideas that are different because of who we already are--that means we are prime targets. And trust me that there are very smart people who know this about us and will exploit it.

There are many 'cause-celebs' out there, and every year more of us get sucked in: spending money, buying in to ideologies that seem cool and feel so right, forming subcultures...bonding on things that are not of Christ.

I think of a popular farm in our state that many people know, learn from, and get food from...loads of people start farmettes based on his ideas...and their beef is the worst we've ever had. We paid top dollar after traveling for over and hour for it, and fed much of it to the dog. I've known a few people to be very excited about what this man promotes and one who was very successful even, but it gives me pause to think of how many home schoolers embrace his ideas...as well as the raw milk movement, for example (excuse me while I polish my screen with my Norwex cloth...). 

As I said, I've embraced many of the popular causes through the years, and it is just a more recent realization that I don't think we are as original as we sometimes think, nor very discerning. In the future I want to be a lot more careful what basket I put my eggs in and who I listen to. I think there are plenty of people making a killing on the multitudes that buy in to the various movements, and I've certainly known very good saleswomen.


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