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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...


I'll be taking a break for a while from blogging, but wanted to leave you with a tip that is helping me. Enter, the laundry system. Maybe you aren't a mom that is continually feeling behind or stressed with the laundry...if that is the case, please stop reading and do something better with your time!

Try this--try to figure how many loads you do per week, then divide that up by 6 days or however many you feel you can do laundry. Then split it again like this (or something similar):
Darks/lights Monday
Whites/delicate dark Tue
Delicate lights/lights Wed
Whites Thur

And so on...I can't believe how much more manageable the task looks and feels when there is a plan. Plus, no more feeling behind all the time. You can tell the kids to have their laundry to the appointed location by such and such a time, then assign each of them one load to fold and put away to help you out. Or have them do an entire load themselves, or pay them for anything on your plan that you are doing anyway...

I hope this helps! I had my kids do a lot of laundry when they were younger, but school demands grow as they grow and they really do not have the time for it. This system eliminates interrupting the kids to help you as well. They know what to expect.

If they miss dropping off their laundry by the appointed time, it's their responsibility to get it done. :)

God bless and enjoy your summer,

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