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HowStuffWorks "10 Common Perimenopause Symptoms"

HowStuffWorks "10 Common Perimenopause Symptoms".

I've had it recommended to read books about menopause to help get through, and I've had it said that it's a topic where ignorance can be better. The power of suggestion....

I'm finding that checking in to a few things is very helpful because it's not just me that sees a rather noticeable change in me, my husband does, too. It stands to reason that we can follow what women before us in our family have done, and I seem to be doing that. My mom started this stage of life now, and I'm here in what seems to be full force. It is not easy, I'll just tell you that. I thought PMS was bad enough, but perimenopause for me is that hyped up, plus the added goodies that were never a part of life. There are symptoms beside those listed in this article, and apparently we can have some listed here and some not listed here. I'm finding it a comfort to just see what the options are as I try to make my way through the months that are harder since there are more harder ones than easier on the hormone front.



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