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8th grade

Here is an idea of how to execute 8th grade for a home-schooled student who has a classical background. We use online classes to supplement since there is only so much of mom and dad available. Our area has many options to help a family be effective. However, one thing I need to consider is how much time I'll be out of the house if I'm leaving to take my kids to classes elsewhere. I've come to love an organized, clean home and I feel best when home cooked, thoughtful meals are served to my family. During the school year it is also necessary now for me to do the daytime dishes and the majority of the laundry, and sometimes I even need to step in to straighten someone's room or do their dinner dishes (we have an alternating schedule for dinner). If I'm gone during the day, something often will go undone with my responsibilities here and I don't care for that. This is just me. I'm sure other women can run around a lot more, not get as wore out, and still create a haven for their family. My point is, know thyself and plan to succeed!

We've opted to hire out Latin for our kids entire Latin careers, so that is 3 classes right off the bat, and WELL WORTH IT! They learn to manage a schedule, be responsible for assignments, take tests, and follow directions... as well as type. It's sink or swim on the latter. :) We do free typing exercises online to prepare the year before starting an online class, I don't really throw them in to class blind! Latin has helped them with English grammar tremendously and teaches them to think. It really is one of the best subjects to study; it is a cornerstone of a classical education for good reason.  To me, $500 per year, per student is well worth this, but if you can't do that, consider the Latin for Children DVD's. They are terrific and very affordable, especially if you eBay or hunt around at used bookstores that carry curriculum, or shop at used curriculum sales. Something else that is great about online classes is that it occupies the student for nearly 3 hrs or just over 3 hrs depending on their level, twice per week.

It adds STRUCTURE to have a class that occurs twice/week in a home-school. You simply must be home doing school during traditional school hours, which a lot us need help in doing, ironically enough. We've had someone in an 8 am class for years, and that has helped set the tone for our school. Starting early means we get more done each day. Dinner is nearly always our cut-off, though the oldest does have work at night sometimes. We start, dressed and having eaten breakfast; it is amazing how much more productive a body is when they are dressed for success! I think even Fly-Lady talks about dressing and getting her shoes on so she is ready to work when she starts her day. It's a proven formula for turning on the brain and taking something seriously, which of course, education is quite necessary and serious!


Sample 8th grade schedule for a classically educated home-school student: five of these aren't taught by mom. Consider online, DVD's, dad, co-ops, or a self-taught format.

Algebra I (or higher math)

Physical Science


Omnibus Primary (literature and history)


Writing (will depend on how much writing happens in other classes)

Bible or Omnibus Secondary


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