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What better time to draw near to God than during a global pandemic where some lawmakers are pushing agendas God opposes? If we won't gi...


I hope I never make anyone feel this way.


Thesaurus Legend:  Synonyms Related Words Antonyms

Noun1.humiliation - state of disgrace or loss of self-respecthumiliation - state of disgrace or loss of self-respect
disgrace, ignominy, shame - a state of dishonor; "one mistake brought shame to all his family"; "suffered the ignominy of being sent to prison"

abasement, abjection, degradation - a low or downcast state; "each confession brought her into an attitude of abasement"- H.L.Menchken
2.humiliation - strong feelings of embarrassmenthumiliation - strong feelings of embarrassment

embarrassment - the shame you feel when your inadequacy or guilt is made public
3.humiliation - an instance in which you are caused to lose your prestige or self-respect; "he had to undergo one humiliation after another"

case, instance, example - an occurrence of something; "it was a case of bad judgment"; "another instance occurred yesterday"; "but there is always the famous example of the Smiths"
4.humiliation - depriving one of self-esteemhumiliation - depriving one of self-esteem

degradation, debasement - changing to a lower state (a less respected state)

comedown - decline to a lower status or level

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

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