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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

School Help

I received a note from Pinterest about various boards I might be interested in. They were all, not surprisingly, school related boards. Looking at the front cover photos revealed organizational dreams of art materials, children using watered q-tips on a chalk board tracing alphabet letters, classrooms full of shelves neatly laden with materials.
And for once as I looked, I was completely disinterested and unimpressed. This is not to say there isn't value in these things or other Pinterest boards, it's just that what really makes a school year meaningful is not all the 'stuff' surrounding school. It is the attitude of the mother that really drives how school goes. The internal commitment and organization of the mother makes or breaks a school year. If you are facing a new year of homeschooling, don't get down about the space you have to school or what new materials you wish you had...an effective school is not measured by the glitz or glitter, or even the creative flair.

Photos from Today

Homeschooling is about educating in meaningful, loving way. It's about connecting with our children purposefully, having a well-ordered day full of the hard work of learning. That can come in various forms, and the best advice I can give for any homeschooling mom is to draw nigh unto the Lord in preparation first, then make a clear schedule and work it.

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