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Praying for Public Schools is Like...

Have you heard the funny comment about praying for God to bless the fast food about to be eaten? As if something magical is going to happen by praying to the nutritional content. We can thank God for it, but asking Him to bless it to our bodies is a bit of a stretch.

I feel like praying for government-run schools is like praying for an unhealthy meal to be akin to a salad, or piece of grass-fed beef. It's the beast itself that is the problem, at it's core; and praying for it to somehow glorify God is not going to happen unless the entire thing is stripped down and started over. We can layer an entire bag of salad on a fast food burger, it is still loaded with fat and sodium.

Parents, pull your kids out of public school while you can. They are being taught ungodly principles that are like a tidal wave, and one or two days a week at church isn't going to combat that sort of indoctrination.

For more information, please read The Harsh Truth About Public Schools by Bruce Shortt or get Voddie Baucham's DVD set, The Children of Caesar.

Maybe you are a Christian who admires a Christian family whose kids attended public school, and if you can ensure you are doing all those parent's did and that your kids will interact with the same types of students, teachers, and curriculum--perhaps the risk is worth it to you. But with more than 75% of kids raised in Christian homes leaving the faith a year after graduating high school, I think the fact 90% of Christians choose the same educational source as unbelievers an unsettling coincidence.  We as parents have to see what is going on and get on the offensive during our kids formative years.

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