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What better time to draw near to God than during a global pandemic where some lawmakers are pushing agendas God opposes? If we won't gi...

Apostate Watch-Arnold Murray, Shepherd's Chapel 2

I thought I'd post more since Wordpress has shown some searches for this misdirected individual.

A solid believer who understands the Word will quickly listen to Murray and realize he is off-base, but he is a danger to those who have a history of being in a cult or who are ignorant of the Scriptures.

Shepherd's Chapel

Here is some more information on this false teacher.

The Bible says there is wisdom in a multitude of counselors. Get your teaching from multiple sources--John MacArthur, Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Charles Stanley, or this Calvary Chapel pastor I like to listen to; there are many solid, sound teachers available who will show you how to find real peace and a life that is glorifying to God. Do not trust a man/woman who makes themself out to be the only person teaching the truth (or his/her family are the only persons doing so). This is a good indicator you are involved in a cult.

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