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Your public school is trying to make your Christian kid a little Buddhist.

Wretched Radio---the name is a little off putting until you realize why it is called that. Some important understanding for Christians wit...

Repentance is Essential for Peace

When we sin it is often tempting to justify what we have done. We can find others who endorse our decision and help us think the situation through in a way that acquits us and casts blame or wrong thinking on others. But there is a wonderful gift the Christian has from God, the opportunity to have a peaceful conscious when we repent fully before God alone. 

When our conscience is nagging us, it is often because we are searing it with continued wrong thinking. I even recall, before I was saved by the blood of Jesus Christ, how I felt when others tried to tell me that the sinful positions I felt 'stuck in' were OK. I remember people wanting me to be at peace and they felt sorrow over the turmoil I was in. They were of their father the devil, as was I at that time, and they were doing all they knew to do: help a friend feel better by assuring her that how she was and who she was WAS OK. What else can the world offer when very challenging issues present themselves? 

I knew the lack of peace deep inside though. At first it felt like a helpful relief to be assuaged of guilt and sin. There is excitement that moving forward in 'freedom' can happen. But freedom to do things which are only sinful in nature is actually, bondage. And soon enough that happy emotion changes and the deep lack of peace sets back in. 

The reality is, only Christ sets us free. Free to NOT sin habitually. Free to live in newness of life and do what pleases the Creator God. Wrong thinking keeps us in bonds. Christians who perpetuate wrong thinking hinder the work of the Lord and they lack the total peace He wants them to have, which is something that enables them to freely serve Him unconstrained. 

How often do believers take up causes that do not glorify God, which CANNOT glorify Him by their very nature? Refusing to be conformed to Christ because of decisions they would regret if they'd let themself see the truth, they dig their heels in farther and farther, being sure they will convince others to see it their way, rather than let God help them handle the intense anguish over decisions that cannot be changed and which they regret and loathe the consequences they feel responsible for. 

Here's a light example but you will see the point. 

Fast Food can be prayed over to give us the nourishment we need but that will not alter the composition of the food and give it nutrients it lacks or remove what is harmful in it. The choice was made to eat the food and there are consequences to eating it. Even Chick Fil A is generally not going to be transformed chemically because of a prayer. God can do that or anything, but does He? The part that really matters is the decision made on the front end to eat it. As followers of Christ we're not to do what we want, where we want, and think a covering of prayer will make it ok. We don't think that right? And yet, how many times do parents act that way with the oversight of the precious children God has entrusted them with? Can parents follow whatever philosophy, and since they claim Christ, live as though the results will glorify Him? What about where those precious children created in the image of God are educated? Can we do whatever suits our fancy and pray over it and leave it at that? Will that fundamentally change something set against God? When we think of what is taught and exemplified in the government run schools (homosexuality, denying being made in God's image through gender denial, believing killing the unborn is OK, people living together with the opposite sex unmarried, the risk of abuse by a teacher or helper, godless curriculum, promoting religions that are contrary to Christianity etc etc), is it unwise to do what I just described, or is it wrong? Another word for wrong in the Christian's life is sin friends. 

My conviction regarding government schools is similar to my conviction regarding Roman Catholicism. I wish I found something in Scripture to make me think differently. It is not pleasant to go against so many that hold a different view. But I simply cannot see it differently. Until or unless the government run schools in America completely change and humble themselves before God, I believe Christian parents must do all they can to keep their kids away from them. There is too much at stake. There is not wisdom in the multitude of counselors in godless institutions. Can and will God work when there is a single parent or a communist nation that doesn't allow parents to have their kids in Christian school or homeschool them? Of course, He is a father to the fatherless. His grace is sufficient, but that doesn't mean all I've charged parents to do isn't still true. Mothers are to be the gatekeeper of their home and over the lives of the vulnerable children entrusted to her care, and fathers are to be the priest, provider and protector of the home. 

(I believe wisdom and careful discretion are needed if allowing a high school child to take a class in a public college or high school. For some older kids, it might be safe, but for others, it would not be. Let each go to God on that count and determine with their spouse the right course.)

But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil. 2 Thess 3:3

Image copied from Brett Felton's post on LinkedIn, who this author is not affiliated with in any way personally or professionally. 

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