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Parenting Tips From Dr. and Mrs. Iles


I happily came upon these tips while looking up information about Martyn Iles, the new CEO of Answers in Genesis. We support and affirm AiG's message and ministry, and with two children at Cedarville University, were aware of the recent Living in Babylon tour. We were able to tune in while our children attended live, and it was the first time we'd heard Martyn speak. Needless to say, it's a comfort to see the Lord's provision in providing a competent successor when Ken Ham is no longer serving. Martyn is brilliant. 

Regarding Ken and the late Buddy Davis, it's as though we grew up with them. Our children loved Buddy, and my husband and I were saved within AiG's first decade of existence. We've always been blessed to have excellent teaching regarding creationism. Henry Morris was a professor at Virginia Tech, where the Mr. and I came to know Christ as our Savior. We never knew Christianity without The Institute of Creation Research or the then-budding AiG. I recall clearly when we prayed for the Creation Museum to be built one day, and then the process of it finally coming to fruition. It was a project only God could oversee, and He did. Visiting with our children when they were small was incredible. I read every word of every sign (much to the chagrin of my "skimming" family!).

All this to say, these parenting tips are very good and I hope you'll aim for them!

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