I think it is interesting when studying the Revelation how we can see the problems in the churches of Ephesus, Pergamos, Thyatira and yet be unmoved in examining our own church and life of service. Even as the sins in these churches are specifically named, why is it we do not have specific examples of the problems that are relevant to now as we talk? Things are always theoretical and not specific, but Christ was very specific. I find it noteworthy also that when Christ has something against them, it was for sinning. Not a willy nilly condemnation on them being unwise, but what that lack of wisdom, or lack of faithfulness led to.
We know the messages about the churches are messages for us today. They should cause us to examine our own churches and our own lives and deal seriously with wrong thinking and teaching. Too often we keep things theoretical, as if we are looking through a glass pane at the past and taking note, but we don't really dig hard and say, "Is there a Jezebel in OUR church? Am I a Jezebel??"
Do we ask ourselves if WE have left our first love and thought through what that would look like, or do we assume that of course we haven't? Our service is from a heart of love for Christ and therefore we are never jealous or petty, we never withhold information so we appear to be in the "in" crowd. We aren't competitive with our fellow believers, playing in to the games some others play with having 'favorites'. We don't care if someone else got information first or was able to hold the baby or whatever. Our love for each other and Jesus is always before our own eyes....
Do we gloss over the sins of the people in the churches in Revelation and think we aren't represented really, but if we were to be, surely we are like Smyrna who was suffering for righteousness? Do any churches look at the Revelation and examine themselves and take action?
If I were to look at churches in America, I see things God could easily come and condemn them for. I could see Christ condemning the church for setting His vulnerable children under the teachings of mockers and scorners day and and day out (government schools). I cannot for the life of me picture God pleased with His people doing this, and I can certainly envision a much harsher condemnation for those who heartily approve of encouraging others to set their children under teaching that is contrary to God's truth, Creation, Christ's payment for our sin being of critical importance etc. I do not see God in Revelation condemning the churches for having unwise positions and leaving as a minor thing. He goes after how that lack of wisdom led to sinful behaviors. Is there even a genuine difference between doing something unwise and sinning? Is it acceptable for Christians who should know better to act unwisely? Does that get a pass?
We drink daily in front of our children, not to get drunk, but we set the example as a Christian. Does God slap our hand and say to the church who allows that sort of thing, "Bad idea but it was just unwise?" I don't see that sort of character in the Lord. I see clearly defined criticisms from Him, and we know He is serious about causing little ones to stumble.
Does putting impressionable children (of Christians) under the authority of the ungodly (also called wicked, depraved, rebellious) NOT constitute a stumbling block, particularly when the materials they use to teach leave God out and promote lifestyles abhorrent to the Creator? Does entrusting children made in the image of God to people who would have aborted them, or think they should be able to "change" their gender, or who practice homosexuality, or who deny God, who are unregenerate in general, is that like causing them to stumble and teaching them to sit among scoffers? What category does that fall into if not that?
I'm of the mindset that a huge blind spot in American Christianity is heartily approving of and using godless, government run schools to educate. I think we will see His judgment on this issue. The short-sighted want to say that position stems from results, claiming that kids from private schools and homeschools turn out unregenerate, too, so we can't criticize public schools. Who has said anything about RESULTS? I'm talking about the front end of decision making where wisdom and an understanding of our responsibility as parents to raise our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord is supposed to lead. I'm not talking about results anywhere. Our obedience to the Lord is based on doing the right thing for the right reasons and we entrust results to Him.
I think another criticism God has in today's churches is the lack of caring what His word says and the lack of serious devotion to it. Too many churches want to entertain from the pulpit and I see that style no where in Scripture. We are flippant and concerned with socializing while we say we aren't!
Others can go so far as to cast doubt on the authority of Scripture even though they claim to be genuine churches. These institutions are focused on building their church and fellowshipping, not offending anyone.
There are problems with women leading and weak men allowing them to. There is a lack of leadership and those "stars" will be judged for letting factions come up or stifling their people's learning.
So many things....we have to examine ourselves and make sure we are not playing into whatever problems plague our own church. We can repent on behalf of the church body and ask God to convict and bring change, but it has to start somewhere. One person can make a difference.
I recommend watching the videos in the sidebar entitled The Children of Caesar by Voddie Baucham.
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