In today's political climate, followers of Christ cannot be genuine friends with those who refuse to divulge their political views. "Wow!" you say. "You guys are seriously into politics!" No, actually we aren't. We believe in living quiet and peaceable lives which represent truth, and that includes truth relating to the issues that are in the political arena which oppose God's design and what is right. In today's society, several critical political issue are either on God's side or are completely opposed to it. Believers in Christ are not to be unequally yoked, for what fellowship can light have with darkness? Ultimately, we know what someone believes not by what they say, but by what they do. If someone won't share how they voted, which is an action, we can be assured there is a good chance they are hiding something from us for a reason. Wives are to submit to their husbands, so a conversation might be needed if a Christian woman is married to an unbelieving husband. Christians must be shrewd as serpents yet innocent as doves. It is not hard to see how quickly we could be singled out for persecution and financially ruined in the days ahead, so we need to know who our enemy is. Our hope and trust is in the Lord. The days are evil. Cling to Christ. Read on.
Dear Friend of iVoterGuide,
Many Americans, including Christians, are still unaware of the immediate dangers facing religious freedoms and biblical values from the federal Equality Act of 2021 (H.R. 5).
However, because of iVoterGuide, voters in key congressional districts did see it coming.
More on that below.
But first, I want to give you some information you can share with others.
Many people ask: In a nation where we believe all individuals “are created equal” (Declaration of Independence) and where we believe in “equal protection of the laws” (Constitution, 14th Amendment), what is wrong with the Equality Act of 2021?
The answer is that this proposed law uses the word “equality” as a “code word” for just the opposite: inequality.
The “Equality Act” would impose discrimination—unequal treatment—against certain “disfavored” groups of American citizens, including conservative Christians, based on biblical views of sexuality and relationships.
Specifically, the law adds “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” as protected classes under the 1964 Civil Rights Act. And the legislation undercuts religious freedom in favor of those who see marriage and biological sex as fluid concepts, specifically overriding the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
It would penalize Americans for practicing their beliefs as they run their businesses, charities, medical practices (H.R. 5, Sec. 3), and even as they raise their children.
Let’s look at Bible-believing Christians, for example.
The federal government would discriminate against Christians—treat them unequally from others—by forcing them to violate their deep religious beliefs on sexuality.
This is already happening in certain “progressive” states and cities.
Under the Equality Act, discrimination against you would be condoned and upheld by federal law—nationwide.
Christians would be among those singled out for penalties if they expressed—or lived out in their business or many other areas of life—their biblical belief in the exclusive sacredness of sexuality that is only between monogamous, married biological men and women.
For instance, we’ve seen local governments issue fines and file lawsuits against Christian wedding vendors in “hot spots” around the nation. This would become the norm nationwide under the Equality Act.
Christians would be singled out for penalties if they expressed or lived out their biblical belief that there are only two sexes: biological men and women.
A Virginia public school teacher was fired over this issue recently under local law. Now this kind of attack would become a federal enforcement matter (Sec. 5).
Christians would be singled out for penalties if they expressed or lived out their biblical belief that forms of sexuality and gender are unnatural and wrong. This includes deep religious beliefs on homosexual behavior and marriage, transgenderism (men believing they are women or vice versa), or gender fluidity (you can choose your gender and it can change any time based on your feelings).
If you believe that biological males who think they are females should not compete against biological females in “women’s sports”—and you openly try to express or try to live according to that belief—you could face retribution with no protection in federal law (Sec. 3).
If Christian adoption agencies resist giving children to homosexual couples, or to a transgendered parent—they could be punished or forced to shut down (Sec. 3). It has happened in certain states. The Equality Act would make it national; there would be no escape.
The law could affect Christians who teach in public schools; who rent out houses or rooms; who practice medicine; and those who own businesses that hire employees or have separate male and female restrooms. The list would be long. There would be no geographic sanctuaries from such a federal law.
It’s not clear that Christians could win court challenges in all such cases. But it is clear that the current White House and Congress would have passed a law—the Equality Act—going against them and opening the door for discrimination enforced by federal agencies nationwide.
What can you do?
The Equality Act has passed the U.S. House of Representatives. So you can voice your opinion to your U.S. senator as the Senate considers the bill.
But if it does become law, there are still countermeasures.
State legislatures could pass measures resisting it.
But most critically, the next Congress could flip to a conservative majority and repeal it.
And that’s where you can have a real impact.
Remember when I said above that “we saw this coming” and warned iVoterGuide users?
That is because iVoterGuide identified candidates most likely to vote for such a law!
This included the only three Republicans who voted FOR the Equality Act . . . two of whom we rated “Moderate” and one “Somewhat Liberal” rather than “Conservative.”
And that is also why I’m asking you to financially support our efforts to inform more voters and cover more candidates in primary elections—where the most conservative candidates can defeat “moderates” and move into the general election.
The Equality Act is causing a growing stir.
A backlash is building as people awaken to the implications of this legislation.
If more voters in 2022 are given the best information on more candidates, then the tide can turn in Congress and the Equality Act could be stopped when proposed again . . . or repealed if it passes this time.
The key will be who gets elected.
The key to “who gets elected” will be more voters with good information on more candidates.
And the key to that is the factual research by iVoterGuide—the most influential nonpartisan guide for Christians in America.
iVoterGuide evaluated 8,051 candidates in 2020. Nearly 3.5 million used iVoterGuide, helping make a difference in 1,941 races. These included 156 races where iVoterGuide voters exceeded the margin of victory, and among them were 22 primary elections for Congress in 2020.
Congress is almost evenly divided. In 2022, iVoterGuide voters can make the difference. Voters can elect candidates who share our biblical values and will stop the Equality Act if it fails to pass the Senate now and comes back in two years. Or iVoterGuide voters can elect enough of those candidates to repeal the act if it passes now.
Will you help us achieve this?
Can our team of researchers, data experts, and communications specialists count on you for a monthly gift of any size? . . . or even a single donation during this key month?
We saw it coming: We exposed who would likely vote for the Equality Act. We need to alert more voters about more candidates so that they can see clearly who will stop or, if necessary, reverse it. Please help us inform Christian voters and protect our freedoms and values.
For our future,
Debbie Wuthnow
President, iVoterGuide
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