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What better time to draw near to God than during a global pandemic where some lawmakers are pushing agendas God opposes? If we won't gi...

Science Says I Don't Need It, But Will I Be Forced?

So.... will you get the covid-19 vaccine, won't you, should you, how fast CAN you? 

What if you are young and healthy, do you even need it? Are the risks of the vaccine worse than covid itself? Are there any risks? These are questions people are asking.

Visiting with my sweet 89 year old friend today, the realities of the vaccine take on a different light than they do when I consider for myself. Of course she wants to get the vaccine, but doesn't know when she can. The risk of the covid-19 virus is tremendous for her, and yes, there may be risks with the vaccination, but at this point when she must live in an assisted living, those are less to her than the risks of living without the vaccine. She is lonely. Does this mean she lives in fear? No. Does it mean she has avoided me after recently being sick? No. Did she want me in her home during the initial months of the outbreak? Yes. Do I want her to be vaccinated so the facility will let me pick her up and take her to lunch? You better believe it. 

For the rest of us, who perhaps are far younger than 89, check out this article written far better than this blog post:

Am I At the Back of the Line?

I'm not the most logical person, and I'm surrounded by people far more intelligent than me. Something I find worthy to ponder, that one of said people pointed out to me, is that states like CA and Michigan, who have had the strictest rules for masks, closings, social distancing and the like, have the highest covid numbers, yet people still purport that if everyone would do these things, the virus wouldn't be spreading. People are not going in any stores in these states without a mask, and many businesses, far more than in my home state, have been-- and continue to be-- shut down. The opportunities for the virus to spread based on what is open is far less than other states. So, what could this mean? It is illogical to say the fringe people not wearing a mask are keeping the numbers high. So again, what could this mean? 

If you are under 30, what is the point of vaccinating against something you have more than a 99 percent chance of recovering from?

Am I At the Back of the Line?

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