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The Book of Job

I recently finished reading the book of Job, and every time I do, there seems to be something different I come away with. No surprise, the Bible is the Living Word! 

This time I was struck by two things. 

One is that I do not want to be a hard place for people to land when they are down.

Job's friends thought they were being helpful, but there was a lack of wisdom employed, which I sincerely hope to avoid in my own interactions with people. My dear mother-in-law shared with me the idea of some friends being a soft place to land, some being the type to tell you what you needed to hear, some to make you laugh... But with all of those, there was one type of friend she never said was something she looked for. It is the type of person to care more about your protocols than you; someone to question your judgment rather than offer their help and compassion. Remember, Christian, it is God is who we all answer to. Find friends who trust you and will give you the benefit of the doubt. ♥

The second thing I was struck by is how we often assume bad reasons for why God allows us to suffer, or allows OTHER people to suffer. Have they sinned?? 

Job shows us it is possible for nothing to be further from the truth. There are reasons God allows turmoil, which no man can explain or understand. Hardship can be a result of our faithfulness. This is baffling, but if we study Job, we will see it plain as day. For this reason, it is tantamount to learn to trust God in all things. I'm amazed by how much better I can handle adversity when I've been building my relationship with the Lord faithfully. He gives a perspective that supersedes any earthly insight and wisdom. People can reason all day long, and it is often WRONG. 'Lord, help me not to guide others wrongly when they are suffering and to remember that only God knows the reasons for suffering.' Our counsel shouldn't omit the reality of sin causing distress, but we must allow the Holy Spirit to reveal someone's sin to them if they do not think that is the cause of their problem. Pointing people to trust in God is always a good idea. 

In the days we're living in, too often people are ready to doubt the actions or decisions of others. The media feeds this mentality of turning our neighbors  into our enemies, if people don't act as "they" say they should. Unfortunately, many people today do not read for themselves and do not think through things fully. They react to the news they steadily digest, rather than respond to what is going on around them in a compassionate and thoughtful way. Many are incapable of understanding how to handle situations appropriately based on their own research. This can inadvertently cause people to put themselves on a pedestal of self-righteousness, or to simply communicate hurtful doubt in others, much like Job's "friends". 

Believer, don't lose heart! It is in the times of darkness and unrighteous treatment we are able to identify most with our Savoir. He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. People did not understand Him. We must do what we can to be loving, but it is the Lord Christ whom we serve and answer to ultimately. 

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