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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Communication Breakdowns

It is unwise to discount the damage a communication breakdown can bring to any relationship. Sometimes we realize this with friends, but fail to see it within the closest relationships around us. Most of us realize each relationship we have has a certain rhythm, and when that rhythm gets vastly altered, it is time to take inventory. Many relationships fail because we take people in our lives for granted. If this is a reality of marriage, surely we can see it is a reality in all other relationships.

Double-standards, silence, back biting, unreliability, or being untrustworthy are all problems we recognize in friendships, so doesn't it seem clear these issues would be a problem in all relationships?

It is a blessing that if we are in Christ, even when we are treated unjustly or are wrongly accused, we have an Advocate with the Father. We need not fear what man can do to us, whether emotionally, physically or mentally. With Christ and His truth we reign victorious. We can look ourselves in the mirror, having done all that is in our power to do, and not fret over how others see us. People often see what they want to see, or they justify their wrong actions because so few are good with properly resolving conflict (The Peacemaker is a good book to read if you need help in this area!).

Do not despair if you are the recipient of double-standards or false accusations. Do what you know to do that is right and leave the results to God. Trust Him for your daily manna, knowing He has laid out a clear plan on how to be reconciled to Him, how to be secure, and how to die to yourself when wrongly dealt with.

Sometimes it is helpful to view those difficult people in your life as strangers who need Christ. Separate yourself emotionally from the problem, accept that wrong treatment accompanies the Christian life, and continue giving.

Colossians 3:17

New American Standard Bible
Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father

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