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HSLDA Alert--Dangerous UN Treaty 2014

From the HSLDA e-lert service…

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Your U.S. Senator Needs to Hear from You about Dangerous UN treaty

Help defend U.S. sovereignty and parental rights.

HSLDA President Mike Smith has been an advocate for homeschooling for more than 30 years.

Dear HSLDA Members and Friends:

You live in a state with a senator who supports the dangerous UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), but who we believe may be able to be persuaded to back away from supporting this treaty.

Our team has put together a one-page flyer asking you and your fellow citizens to contact your senator and urge him or her to please reject the CRPD. We ask that you click the name of your senator below, share this flyer with your friends and family in your state, and also please call your senator.

Senator Mark Begich (AK)

Senator Mark Pryor (AR)

Senator Mark Udall (CO)

Senator Joe Donnelly (IN)

Senator Mary Landrieu (LA)

Senator Kay Hagan (NC)

Senator Jeanne Shaheen (NH)

Senator Kelly Ayotte (NH)

Senator Carl Levin (MI)

Senator Mark Warner (VA)

Senator Joe Manchin (WV)

Senator John Barrasso (WY)

This is a key time to contact your senator. All 100 members of the U.S. Senate are home, and many of them face re-election. They are listening closely to you, their constituents.

The Senate will return on November 12, and we have heard that it will almost certainly take up the CRPD sometime during the lame duck session. It is crucial that these senators in particular hear from you right now.

Thank you for standing with us for homeschool freedom. We will provide updates once the Senate returns and we have more information about the CRPD.

For liberty,

Mike Smith
President, HSLDA

P.S. We greatly value you and your support—it is a privilege to serve you. Thank you for all you do for freedom! If you or someone you know is not a member of HSLDA, will you consider taking a moment today to join or recommend us? Your support enables us to defend individual families threatened by government officials and protect homeschooling freedom for all. Join now >>

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Who’s Knocking on Your Door?

When a social services worker arrives at your door, tension can run high. Wouldn’t it be nice to get your lawyer on the phone, providing you with immediate step-by-step guidance?

More reasons to join HSLDA >>

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