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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Giving Thanks

Giving thanks chases away discontent. Whether it be with children, a spouse, school, the house...or more importantly, a feeling of 'am I doing enough for the Lord?' Be thankful for where He has you and what He's given. Tomorrow it could all change. Death knocks suddenly sometimes. Job loss does as well. Homes burn down or get broken in to. How many times do we women fret only to realize moments later we should have been thankful for what we had, when we had it, and for where God has led?

The Lord will give opportunities as He wills. If we do the work before us heartily, remembering our first calling is to our husband and children, we will soon see there is not nearly as much of us to go around as we previously thought. Giving thanks helps to calm the restlessness. God is good.

Staying the course--keeping the white fence post white---these are the struggles of motherhood and Christianity. With so many glamorous opportunities beckoning us....so many worthy causes to delve in to...so many people who need us...it can be easy to give our time and effort to those whom we did not bear, neglecting duties assigned solemnly to us and us alone.

The hand that rocks the cradle not only rules the world, it is a hand of obedience. Don't get caught in to thinking that because this or that opportunity is out there, you are the one to meet it. Perhaps you are one to pray for it to be met. A mother's calling requires a lot of time. Preparing wholesome food to a hard working husband takes hours of thought and preparation. Do not neglect the duties God has set before you, mistakenly thinking you should be doing more outside the home. God is pleased with a keeper of the home who tends her flock first.

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