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Why I Need Schedules

This day of school is over, at least my part in it. I'm so happy. It was beautiful out and all I felt like doing was going to lunch with my husband, taking a walk, and puttering around. None of those things happened.

Even though nothing I really wanted to do occurred, I'm going to be able to relax tonight with a good feeling of satisfaction. The only reason is: the schedule.

My school schedule is an excel spreadsheet and it starts at 8 am every day except Thursday, but that shifts most weeks to 8 am. It only starts at 8:30 incase we are tired from lingering at church Wednesday night.

All day, every day, I know what I'm supposed to be doing with whom because of the schedule, which we all have a copy of. There is no chaos, guessing, calling out to people who are surprised it's time for them to come work...the key to an organized school day here is a predictable plan. I'm so thankful for it because in spite of the daydreaming that kept capturing my attention, the schedule reeled me back.

Aside from the school schedule, my laundry schedule is my little accountability partner. My memory is terrible, and the less I have to rely on it, the better. My feelings about laundry are equally unreliable. I do not like doing laundry, but I do like having an orderly home and that means clothes that are clean and ready to wear when needed. Taking pleasure in providing this key staple of care to my family is the motivation to stick with my laundry plan. One day my children will be on their own, fending for themselves, but sweet memories of growing up, where they are equipped to 'do it all on their own but don't HAVE to', are what I'm hoping to instill. These years of learning cannot be the years of cooking for themselves, cleaning all the things they interact with, managing all their money etc. It is too much on a child's mind to have to manage all of that; that is why God designed the family with a mother at the helm of daily living. "Let me do that for you," is a blessed thing to be able to say to kids who toil all day with academics and which need down-time to be kind to their siblings, pray, exercise, and just have some fun.

The schedules allow me down-time, but also make it so my kids get the time 'off' which they need. It also means that if I have chores for them to do, it is clear how long they are doing them so their whole day isn't wrought with working.


Note: My first excel spreadsheet style schedule was created in 2008-2009 when my children were quite young. The only year we began without one was a disaster, and the kids were asking for one in short order. The schedule is not a quickly created project, so if you are trying to make one and want a template, please email me.

Today's new recipe--Easy Artisan Bread. Mix 3 cups warm water, 1.5 TBSP salt, 1 TBSP yeast, and 6.5 cups flour together lightly. Cover and let sit for 2 hrs. Shape in to 4 grapefruit sized balls and let rise for 40 mins or so. Add a little more flour as needed (especially if you use freshly ground flour). Bake in a steamy 425 degree oven for 20-30 mins. You can get the oven steamy by spraying the walls and quickly shutting it when you put the bread in, or add some water to a cast iron skillet that is already in the hot oven.

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