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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Lunch Ideas During the Homeschool Year

I know we all get in a rut over what to fix for lunch during the long days of home schooling. Here are some things we've been having. I generally try to make lunch for everyone a couple of times a week; the rest of the time, they fend for themselves. When there is cooking, I'll do it to save them time since lunch is only an hour and I want them to get outside or get to relax some. If we have fruit, that goes with lunch. Otherwise some sides are applesauce, carrots, raisins or chips.

Lunch meat sandwiches

Boxed mac n cheese (Wegman's brand)

Grilled cheese sandwiches

Ham, egg and cheese sandwiches on hamburger buns (great to do after burger night since we always have some buns left over plus helps finish up any remaining lunch meat in the drawer)

Leftovers from dinner--at least one or two lunches can happen with this during the week. There is usually pasta--once sauce is gone, just buttered with cheese.

Egg, cheese, kielbasa sauteed with collards, either in a whole wheat burrito or just on a plate

Bean burritos--we always have refried beans around and usually have tortillas, sour cream and cheese

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