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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Who is Your God?

We can live our lives for our families, sometimes passing up opportunities to serve others when we shouldn't.

We can serve others so much that we sacrifice our family.

We can replay conversations in our heads over and over if there is a chance we've said something offensive, but if it was the truth in love... who are we serving as we fret?

We can do certain works to be different for the sake of feeling holy, but if it is not what God says to do, who are we serving?

We can push our kids to great academic lengths, succeeding daily with every goal but missing out on meaningful, spontaneous conversations that tie heart strings...when that happens, who are we serving?

We can fill our lives with material items, working long hours and missing out on family time...who are we really serving? Is it really our family, or is it ourselves?

What do children need? Do they need new everything? Do they need a big house?

According to God, they need a mother to care for them, and a father to provide, protect and spiritually lead them.

As the liberal women of the 1970's, we can think we're outsmarting God when we push a liberal, 'the sexes are equal in all ways' agenda, but we will lose out.

We lose out when the God of the Bible is not our God. When we serve anyone other than Him, keeping His priorities as our own, we are serving another master...

One day most ladies realize there is nothing better than being taken care of by a loving man who is the father of their children. One day we realize that the materialism we said was 'for them' was serving ourselves. One day we realize that we might have checked every box during the school day, but we lost opportunities to grow closer to our children. One day we look in the mirror and realize the 'friends' we were so busy to not offend have left us feeling hollow inside. One day we see that because we were so focused on our family to the exclusion of ever helping others, that we failed to teach our children to serve. Likewise one day our children may be grown and while we were serving multitudes of other people's kids, our own have moved out, are married and have children of their own...and we missed a lot of the journey because there is only so much of us to go around.

God, help us have priorities that are pleasing in your site. Help us stand for the truth no matter what the cost, and show us how to live for your honor and glory all the time, sacrificing where it pleases you.

~J Dub
Romans 13:1-2

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