Panelist at Podesta Think Tank on Common Core: 'The Children Belong to All of Us' | CNS News.
Podesta is completely ill informed. The question regarding, "Where did this come from?" matters GREATLY. We want that question answered thoroughly. What is the worldview of those who created Common Core? What level of education is to be achieved through it? Why are classics not a part of the curriculum?
He characterizes in a dishonest way when he states those opposed to Common Core are resistant to standards and testing in general. That is patently false and unverifiable, he is just saying what aids his position. The truth is, which he's afraid of, is that many of us who are opposed have VERY HIGH standards for what comprises a thorough education; standards which, if endorsed in this nation, would snub out his communist ideology.
The Common Core standards and homogenizing of education will further dumb down this nation, and many of us know it. It is about controlling the masses and creating a lower standard of 'worker bee' people. The children do NOT belong to all of us. That is a lie. No one nurtures and appropriately loves 'en masse'. Children need parents to oversee and train them. It's a job meant for small batches, not an enormous orphanage mentality with an innumerable amount of 'overseers'. Podesta is the spokesman for a broad socialist mentality, which is opposed to individual thought because it threatens the debased ideals he holds to.
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ReplyDeleteDon't forget--this is the same crowd who said, in 2012, "The government is the only thing we all belong to." They view the people as their cattle, to be herded and driven as they please. May God scour their works from the face of the earth.
ReplyDeleteThank you for taking time to comment! God bless, Ann