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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Valentine's Day

It is Valentine's Day, love is in the air. I know it is a commercialized holiday, but aren't most of them, and focusing on love is never a bad thing!

I awoke to a dozen, gorgeous, fragrant red roses with a very thoughtful, romantic card leaning against the vase. My children had sweet gifts at their places around the table, and soon after we started school, I was given another bouquet of flowers and some chocolate that I l.o.v.e. My husband insists on showering me with these things, though honestly, I don't need them and my feelings wouldn't be hurt if we skipped it. I know Adam's post has a ton of truth to it though, so maybe I'm kidding myself.  

It's good for the kids to see how a husband should treat his wife, and of course, I love flowers and chocolate. My dining room smells so pretty! ;) I showed my love by showering, wearing a red sweater I knew he'd like, and fixing my hair, which he appreciates. Generally the Mr. goes all of the bought gift-giving. Later I cooked up the best London Broil ever. It was free range grass-fed beef from some awesome variety of cow that I can't recall (better than Angus I'm told) from my friend's local farm. Snow Hollow Farm knows how to grow some beef! We've had meat from another Virginia farm and to say it pales in comparison is a ridiculous understatement. Snow Hollow knocks this other farm, which is very renowned, out of the beef game in my opinion. Anyway, we also had mashed potatoes, corn, Bonefish Grill's bang-bang shrimp, a pink butter cream Dutch chocolate heart-shaped cake and fresh fruit purees . YUM!

I'm on a bit of a rabbit-trail about the food. But in my cast iron Dutch oven, you should have had that London Broil...smothered in butter and onions, seasoned heavily with garlic and Sweet 'N Sassy's Rub. It was tender and delicious!

Anyway, even with all of this awesomeness, which included talking to my best girl friend on the phone about her beautiful new office and my 92-year-old friend finally getting released from the hospital, I've had this sad feeling most of the day. Ever have that happen? You should be feeling perfect, but because of other things, you just aren't?

Those other things---could it be that priorities need adjusting? Or maybe expectations? Sometimes when this happens it is because I'm not keeping God as my number 1. I've let other things, or people, overshadow the blessings and perhaps forgot to start out with God that day.

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