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Revelation 19: Final Justice: The Return of Christ

Final Justice: The Return of Christ (3 Sermons) (if you just want the sermons without my waxing uneloquently, here is the link!) Things we h...

Being There for Others

I don't know about you, but it seems decision-making sure can be hard! It isn't always the case--when something grates against us it can be quite easy to choose how to proceed. We know we can't be everything for some people, and we all know some people who are perpetually needy. Choosing to not 'be there' is easier in cases where unhealthy demands are made. But what about when our own emotions are tangled up in when someone needs us? It can be tough to sort through the healthy thoughts, unhealthy thoughts, priorities all around, what we really want, what we don't want and hope to find an 'out' from...making excuses shouldn't be our reasoning for big decisions, yet often that is how decisions get made. We'll search out the path of least resistance or look for the 'solution' that ultimately gives us what we want.

The question is, however, what does God want?

Being a support to someone, a help, is a blessing. It's something many of us love. It is a matter of prayer to keep our responsibilities and priorities in balance first and then see how we can avail ourselves for the 'greater good'.

I'm thankful God knows the right answers for each of us. And I'm thankful He hears the prayers of His children, with the intent to answer. I can't imagine being an enemy of God's.

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