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Must Read Books!

*I have been thinking of posting about The Heart of Anger by Lou Priolo and instead have opted to re post this in it's entirety. Just a quick thought, if you or your children don't handle anger biblically, I heartily recommend the aforementioned book and the study guide that goes with it. If you parent in anger, spank in anger and find yourself going from zero to ten when your kids disobey, you need this study. Children disciplined in anger, even if it's consistent, will not display the sweet spirit of obedience most of us are seeking. I've led a study on this book and everyone found it beneficial. This was originally posted Oct 27, 2010. Irony!

Years ago when I had our first family blog, before the era of not needing to know HTML, I would post book reviews. It was a thrill because I had time and loved to read. Here I am nearly a decade beyond that point in time, and some of the titles I'd recommend haven't changed. I won't be listing an in depth review though, as time is much shorter these days!

On raising children-Shepherding A Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp (the title says it all--it's our hearts that God is concerned with and in this culture of focusing on externals, the heart is so often lost..the busy pace of life can leave their little hearts lonely and hurting while Mom and Dad pass them from daycare to the bus to strangers at school for 8 hrs a day, then to sports and dance etc etc. This book cuts to the chase on how to lovingly raise our children for the Lord.)

On being a Biblical wife-Created to Be His Helpmeet by Debi Pearl and The Power of A Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian. While you may not agree with everything Pearl says, she really does a good job showing the attitude of a wife desiring to follow the Lord's outline according to His word. Hard situations are dealt with in the book-real life situations are investigated. Omartian's book is a favorite of mine because my life wouldn't be what it is without serious prayer that is answered by God Almighty. If you are struggling in your marriage, get this book and the study guide. I've seen ladies lives transformed by going through The Power of A Praying Wife. (my only disagreement with it is that she alludes to losing our salvation which is unscriptural, see Eph 1:13-14, Heb 13:5, John 10:27-30).

To understand the Bible better, get Warren Wiersbe's Bible Exposition Commentary. A great way to study scripture with your older children would be to read the Word of God and then read the commentary for further understanding, praying for the Holy Spirit to lead and direct since He is our teacher.

For those unequally yoked (Christian married to a non-Christian) I highly recommend Surviving A Spiritual Mismatch in Marriage by Lee Strobel. Talk about encouraging and sound advice on how to love your spouse as God directs! Here it is--wonderful book for believers in different spots also.

Do you ever think of home education or just how to spruce up your child's education that is outside of your house? My all time favorite book on education right now is The Core by Leigh Bortins. Leigh gives the history of education and how standards have plummeted, but also gives clear help and hope for those who do not want to see their children become a product of today's low standards in public schools.

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